We offer virtual counseling (via Skype or FaceTime), with appointments scheduled Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Pacific Time only.
As our schedule is consistently full, we will do our best to respond to inquiries as soon as we are able. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
In the meantime, please make use of our equipping archives and ministry resources.
If you would like to request a counseling appointment, please complete the following:
Cost of Counseling
While counseling typically costs between $200 and $300 per meeting, and sometimes more, we are a ministry; therefore, we do not charge a fee. Instead, we rely on donations. Nevertheless, we certainly have costs on our end—so we ask that you please prayerfully consider supporting Hope For Life.
As people often ask for a suggested donation amount, here is a general guideline they find helpful:
Annual Income Donation
$110,000 and above 165.00
$90,001 – $109,999 145.00
$80,001 – $90,000 130.00
$70,001 – $80,000 115.00
$60,001 – $70,000 100.00
$50,001 – $60,000 85.00
$40,001 – $50,000 70.00
$30,001 – $40,000 55.00
Below $30,000 40.00
Hope For Life is a 501(c)3 charitable organization. All gifts are tax-deductible.
Donations may be completed securely online, or sent to our mailing address.
Mailing Address:
Hope For Life
PO Box 26811
Fresno, CA 93729