In their own eyes they flatter themselves too much to detect or hate their sin. (Psalm 36:1-2) Using the word narcissism has become all the rage—so much so that it has become a household word. In fact, we rarely heard this term ten years ago, but now there are countless articles, books, videos, and podcasts on this idea. Not only that, there is a growing number of people who feel free to casually and summarily judge and condemn other people as narcissists. So what, exactly does Continue Reading
Socialism and Jim Jones: A Prime Historical Parallel
The only thing that brings perfect justice, freedom, and equality, perfect love in all of its beauty and holiness, is socialism, socialism, socialism . . . Socialism is God! —Jim Jones Do an internet search with the words: “Jonestown” and Santayana’s warning that, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” You will find a picture of a sign with those same ominous words hanging over Jim Jones’s throne-like chair, and hundreds of lifeless bodies lying all around it, Continue Reading
Reasoning With The Unreasonable
“Come now, and let us reason together,” says the Lord. [ Isaiah 1:18 ] Have you noticed how increasingly difficult it has become to have a reasonable and reasoned discussion with others, at least with certain individuals? Do you have people in your life with whom it is essentially impossible to have a respectful and objective conversation (especially about religion and politics)? Have you lost friends, either by having to cut them off, or by being cut off yourself? Are there some people who now Continue Reading
How Do Wolves Become Overseers Of The Sheep?
Recently there was yet another report of a leader of a significant ministry being fired due to sin and mistreating and abusing others. This happens way too often, and it is always tragic. However, what makes this situation even worse is the fact that this heinous behavior was known and warned about. But it was minimized and ultimately ignored. Furthermore, as if things could not get any worse, those who did try to sound the alarm regarding these nefarious deeds were punished for doing so - Continue Reading