FORGIVENESS DOES NOT EQUAL TRUST | Forgiveness has nothing to do with what a person deserves. Which is what grace, mercy, and forgiveness are all about. None of us deserve these things. Trust, on the other hand, has a great deal to do with what a person deserves (e.g., “worthy” of trust). Perhaps that is why we have the word “trustworthy,” but there is no such word as “forgiveworthy.” --from Mark's new book on Forgiveness & Trust (coming soon!) Continue Reading
Forever Grateful (Personal Counseling Story)
LIFE CHANGING COUNSEL | My first session with Mark was right after lunch and I remember walking into his office and seeing his Bible open on his desk. I remember thinking that he must have been reading it on his lunch break. To my surprise as I began telling him my story, he constantly referred to it. He knew verses that applied to almost everything I told him. He knew exactly where they were, and most he knew by heart. Throughout my counseling sessions, the Bible was integral to all that we Continue Reading
Battling Fear and Anxiety
For as long as I can remember, my life was marked by an off-and-on battle with fear and anxiety. Many of these worries centered around not measuring up – either to God or to other people. And these worries led to intense thoughts of shame and condemnation. Throughout this whole journey, I had grown up in the Church. I called myself a Christ follower. I could recite to you verses like Ephesians 2:8-9: “for by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the Continue Reading
Top 10 Marks of Enablers
ARE YOU AN ENABLER? First of all, let me just say this: we've probably all enabled someone at some point in our lives. If you care about others, if you like to help out when you see a need, if you tend to be "nice,"-- basically, if you are human--then it's likely you have “enabled” one or more people in your lifetime (in big or small ways). We all have our biases, especially when it comes to relationships and personal responsibility. And we will all get things wrong from time to time when Continue Reading