Thank You! Thank you for sharing with us in the ministry of bringing hope to so many through the truth of God's unchanging Word. Without the faithful prayers and gifts of the body of Christ, Hope For Life could not do what we do. Many counseling services (Christian or otherwise) charge upwards of $150 per session, and often more. It goes without saying that very few people can afford these fees. However, in contrast to the typical costs for counseling, Hope For Life has never charged a fee Continue Reading
Preparing For The Storm
The first in a four part testimony, originally shared at Hope For Life's Annual Dinner, this is one couple's story of God's grace and redemption in a seemingly hopeless situation. Here, the wife shares her struggle with depression and the hope that God's Word brought to her heart, even as another storm was preparing to break ... Preparing For The Storm: 1 of 4 from Hope For Life Continue Reading
Performance = Value
The Lies (Part 3) [ Read Part 1 and Part 2 of Truth & Lies ] Lie #1: Performance = Value My value comes from my performance. The first specific lie we'll look at in our series on Truth & Lies is the one that says: My value is based upon my performance. In other words, believing how well we are performing or how much we have achieved determines our value. This lie tells us that doing enough good works, or attaining a certain level of perfectionism will somehow make us worthy of Continue Reading
We Would Not Be Married
"WE WOULD NOT BE MARRIED IF IT WEREN’T FOR YOU." Recently, as a young couple was leaving my office after counseling, the wife suddenly stopped, turned around, and exclaimed, “I just want you to know that we would not be married if it weren’t for you.” Of course, these were wonderful words to hear, affirming yet again what God does through His Word. But, they also gave me an opportunity to better clarify what Hope for Life is all about. I was able to explain that the “you” is not merely Continue Reading