Therefore all Your precepts concerning all things
I consider to be right;
I hate every false way.
[ Psalm 119:128 ]
The appeal to condemn white supremacy has been an extremely hot topic of late.
To which we say, “Yes, amen! Absolutely! Let’s all fully condemn this, and the source of this vile ideology.”
Sadly, however, denouncing white supremacy is not nearly enough. Wouldn’t you agree? A great deal more must be done if we are to overcome what is dividing and destroying our society, and much of the Church.
So—out of our compassion, love, passion for truth and true justice, and our love for God (if we are Christians)—let’s put “100% Condemnation” over “White Supremacy.”
Next, in order to greatly improve our society—and hopefully heal some of the wounds that are destroying us—let’s see what else we are all willing and able to condemn.
To what degree (on a scale of 0 to 10) are you willing to condemn—in both your words and actions—the following:
- All racism (i.e., racism against people of any race)
- All false accusations of racism (e.g., “You’re a racist!” “That’s racist!”)
- All false accusations
- All notions of the supremacy of any race, and the diminishing or demonizing of any race
- All condemnation of people based on their skin color or race
- All hatred of all people
- All threats against people, including on their lives, because of their skin color or race
- All false accusations against the police [ ACAB/All Cops Are Bad ]
- All attacks on the police, especially on the lives and well-being of police officers
- All demands to abolish the police (or defund the police)
- Counterfeit love (e.g., good intentions + bad ideology; Christ-follower + world-approved theology)
- Counterfeit justice (e.g., zeal + error; compassion – discernment)
- Linguistic Engineering [manipulating words and meanings to manipulate and deceive people; e.g., rephrasing the desire or demand of defunding and abolishing the police into “re-imagining policing”]
- The avoidance of having an objective, fair, unchanging, and known standard and authority by which justice, truth, and love is judged
- Totalitarian Echo Chambers and groupthink [e.g., forced conformity of thought; not letting people think for themselves; mocking, shaming, threatening, and punishing those who do not think the exact same ways as those in the TEC]
- The practice of Machiavellian-ism: living by “the end justifies the means” [as a result, all evil and wrongdoing can be “justified” if there is some noble goal involved]
- The agitation and fomenting of anger, bitterness, and violence in our society
- The pitting of one class against another class
- Ideology that demands the forcible taking from some people and giving this to other people
- Selective outrage where anger and concern about the process and outcome depends on if the accused or accuser is in a person’s favored group, or not (e.g., in the same church, circle of friends, political party, theological camp)
- The teaching of ideologies which have never worked, have always failed miserably, and have always led to mass oppression, destruction, murder, etc (e.g., Marxism/socialism/communism; all utopian-isms)
- Attempts to suppress or remove certain freedoms in our society (e.g., free speech; freedom of religion; freedom to defend ourselves)
- The killing of babies—the killing of babies in their mother’s womb—and the killing of babies who survive an abortion
- The efforts to demonize and subvert Judeo-Christian values and beliefs
- The acceptance of sin – which is the deadliest reality known to humanity, now and especially in eternity (Rom 6:23; Gal 6:7-8; cp. Jer 23:14-22)
- All distortions, minimizing, or blame-shifting of personal responsibility
- World-approved theology (the theology of those who profess Christ yet whose beliefs are acceptable to, if not praised, by those who reject, if not hate, God and His Word)
- The attacks on and efforts to destroy the nuclear family
- All accusations that America is a deeply racist country (when it is, at a minimum, one of the least, if not the least, racist country)
- The teaching and spreading of falsehoods regarding America (or any country)
- The groups and ideologies which seek to subvert and overthrow America
- How did you personally do with the above list?
- For Christ-followers, how do you think the people in your church would score?
- How would your favorite Christian leader or author fare? What does that tell you?
- To what degree would your church and political party fully condemn all of the above? What does that tell you?
- How do you think the Internet/social media would handle such a list?
- Which of the above would be the hardest for some people to condemn, and why?
- Just as it should not be hard to condemn white supremacy, it should not be hard to condemn any of the above. Agree and disagree, and why?
- Of all the deadly and diabolical things above, how does white supremacy rank in terms of dangerous and destructive forces in America?
- How different would our world be if the vast majority of people essentially agreed on all of the above?
- What can you glean from all of your answers?
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