THE GOOD OL’ BOYS CLUB | Those who enable abusers often have just as much responsibility as those who abuse. And those who enable abusers in the church have even more to answer for.
The Good Ol’ Boys Club is the tendency to circle the wagons for friends—for those in the “in” group (those in power)—rather than seek the truth, no matter who might be guilty. The mentality here is usually along the lines of: “Friends protect friends, no matter what … no matter what the truth is;” or “Friends do not confront friends;” or “Friends attack those who confront friends;” and even, “Touch not the Lord’s anointed … and if you do … we will destroy you.”
Protecting the offender is usually motivated by self-interest, a distorted love, or out of fear of the others in “the club.” The responses of this group can range from fearful inaction or passivity toward sin and evil, to downright evil toward the victim and anyone who tries to help the victim or confront the sin or error.
Worst of all, these friends, those on the inside, are often the ones who have the most responsibility to do something about the sin or abuse, and who wield the most power—for good or for bad. Yet they frequently use it for evil—often under the guise of love and Christianity—rather than for good, for healing, for protection, and for the truth. While some in the club know they are wrong in this way, others have such a disconnect from reality that they believe they are doing something noble and loving by being silent (e.g., this church/ministry/pastor is just “too big to fail”).
This is not only classic enabling, it is the empowering of evil and corruption, often in the name of love. Ultimately, the “in” people serve the club, while harming the Church. They serve themselves—not Jesus, not His beloved children, and not those who need His salvation. Is it any wonder that many people are dismayed by such a mentality and respond with over-correction when they see this anti-love and anti-Christ behavior from self-proclaiming Christians? Often, as a result, they want no part of Christ or Christianity. And some become so bitter that they are highly adversarial toward true Christianity and God’s Word of truth.
-Mark Baker, Failure To Protect: Why Sin & Abuse Is Not Handled Well In The Church
How long will you judge unjustly,
and show partiality to the wicked?Selah.
Psalm 82:2
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