Hope For Life’s third annual Dinner and Silent Auction was held this fall at Trinity Community Church in Clovis.
We loved getting to see so many old and new friends.
The tables were beautifully designed by the amazing Rhonda Christopher and brought to life by a host of wonderful helpers.
Some of Emily’s Scripture art was on display and also auctioned off during the silent auction.
Gorgeous red and gold sunflowers adorned the tables.
Along with fun gifts for everyone who was a part of this special evening.
So blessed to see how the HFL Dinner + Auction has grown in the last few years.
Chuck’s BBQ provided an incredibly delicious tri-tip and roasted chicken dinner for us again. And special homemade desserts were lovingly provided by our generous friend, Aletta Lake, for the third year in a row. Yum!
Trinity’s Missions Pastor, Andrei Sava, shared a bit about the distinctives of true biblical counseling and how it’s different from other types of counseling.
Pastor Shea Sumlin of The Well Community Church, our keynote speaker, talked about the vital need for biblical counseling in the community, and how Hope For life is one of the very few ministries to fill that role within the Central Valley.
Along with a powerful testimony, shared via video, Mark was able to walk through the steps in one couple’s journey from despair to hope, and, ultimately, to restoration.
We had a great variety of donated items for the silent auction, including this perfectly lovely quilt, handmade by Leah Weskamp.
The fellowship with friends was sweet, and we loved getting to connect and reconnect with so many of you.
Of course, we can’t say enough about everyone who volunteered their time and talent in order to make this such a memorable evening. Sheri Noll and Suzanne Knutson kept everything running smoothly, and with such joy and grace!
Our theme verse for the night was 2 Peter 1:3
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of Him.
What a gift His Word is. Unchanging. Steadfast. Full of hope.
We are filled with gratitude that we get to be a part of a ministry that is committed to sharing that hope in real and practical ways every day.
* Special Thanks to Melissa Culver for her talented photography and to Victor Veiss for putting together all of the videography for the evening.
What a HUGE blessing to be able to be part of such an amazing ministry!! Thanks for the shout out! May God continue to heal the hurting and be glorified in our community!