What is the greatest threat we face today?
In other words, what potentially produces the most trouble and torment—and even death—both now and in eternity?
Whatever it is, shouldn’t it already be firmly at the top of everyone’s list of concerns? Should we not be fully aware of what it is, and highly motivated and fully equipped to deal with whatever is of utmost danger to all of us?
Also, when it comes to those who want to love—especially those who claim to care the most—should they not also be experts in detecting, exposing, fighting against, and overcoming the very things which harm people the most?
Sadly, the Church, in general, seems to be woefully concerned, ill-equipped, or in error regarding mankind’s supreme menace. In fact, instead of great alarm in the body of Christ, we often find just the opposite; that is, countless churches go outside of the Church for guidance and instruction (cp Ps 1:1-3; Col 2:8).
To make matters worse, there is often great resistance from self-proclaimed Christ-followers. Even worse, these same people often aggressively attack those who do seek to address and warn others of the deadly dangers (cp 2 Chron 36:15-16; 1 Kgs 18:17-18; Jer 18:17-18).
Our goal here is to remedy that as much as we are able. But it is only possible for those who desire to love and help others in this way. It can be the beginning of being fully equipped to truly love God and others, particularly by helping to keep people from profound pain and trouble, and to steer them toward what will greatly bless them (Jas 5:19-20; 2 Jn 1:1-11; 3 Jn 1:3-8). Nothing is more loving. Nothing is more godly. Yet too few are truly devoted to this supreme way to love others.
So, what is it that causes the most harm to us? The answer actually involves two main things: being deceived and sin. This, of course, is how all death and destruction started—and these two dreaded outcomes will continue to occur through our transgressions and deceptions. It is also vital to know that one leads to the other, and vice-versa. In many ways, sin and deception are two sides of the same coin (e.g., Gen 3:1ff; Rom 1:18-32; 7:11; Gal 6:7-8; 1 Tim 4:1-2; Heb 3:13; cp Jn 8:31-32; Phil 1:9-11; 1 Jn 1:5ff).
Just how destructive is this dual-threat? When we are deceived or sinning, we are, in practice and belief, living apart from and even against God and His perfect ways—and for lies, if not for the enemy. What could possibly be worse than that? Nothing. In fact, these two things produce untold amounts of pain, destruction, misery, and death, now and in eternity (cp Gen 3:1ff; Jn 8:37ff; 2 Cor 2:11; Gal 1:13, 23; 6:7-8; 2 Thess 2:9ff).
On the other hand, and to illustrate the paramount importance of the truth, what would our world look like if everyone somehow lived fully according to the truth and never sinned? Would we not see an abundance of love, joy, peace, hope, freedom, security, and salvation? We would literally have world peace, and much, much more.
*Zeal – Discernment = (In)justice Warror
While sin, deception, and their outcomes are profoundly destructive, they are even more disastrous for some people than others. Who are these people, and why is it so much worse for them?
There will always be those who know they are on the side of evil. They might even like it that way. However, there will be others who are highly motivated to do what is right, but are actually deceived and in error. They focus all their zeal into fighting for falsehoods, for what is wrong, and even for the enemy and for what is evil. Making matters far worse, they also fiercely fight against what is right, including God Himself. Worst of all, they practice this evil while thinking they are working on the side of God, love, and justice. These individuals qualify as the highly dreaded and hyper-deadly (In)justice Warriors.
Sadly and tragically, there is a growing number of people today (including Christians) who, like pre-Paul Saul, are convinced that they are loving Christ and ardently living for Him, but who are, in fact, zealously fighting against God, His people, and His Word. Therefore, without even realizing it, they are fighting for the enemy and his evil ways (cp Matt 7:21-23; 15:1-9; Rom 10:2; Gal 1:6-9, 13, 23; Phil 3:6). *Note: This is frequently done through counterfeit love, counterfeit justice, and by enabling sin and error.
* (In)justice Warrior: Someone who may be well-intended and highly motivated, but who is actually deceived and in error. Therefore, not only do they zealously live for lies and falsehoods, for what is anti-God and against true Christianity, not only do they often see God’s people as the enemy and frequently demean and attack them, they do this all while thinking they are being supremely loving, that they are fighting against injustice, and that they are truly doing the Lord’s work.
The Remedy
Brethren, if anyone among you wanders from the truth, and someone turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.
James 5:19-20
* Discernment + Truth + Love = Being Supremely Loving
If anything is truly loving, if anything is superlatively Christ-like, it is helping others to avoid what is harmful and deadly (Gal 1:4; 6:7-8; Eph 5:1-2; Jas 5:19-20). This is especially true when it comes to keeping others from becoming (In)justice Warriors. And, if we seek to be loving and like Jesus, then we will seek to fully equip ourselves to discern these snares and deathtraps, and to warn and equip others as well. Nothing is more loving. In addition, we will point them to the truth, the source of truth, and the true Jesus, and unlimited blessings (cp Phil 1:9-11; Acts 17:11; 20:28-31; 2 Tim 2:22-4:5; Ti 1:9ff; Jas 5:19-20; 2 Pet 2:1ff; 2 Jn; 3 Jn; Jude 3ff).
Speaking of discernment and equipping, how did King Solomon respond when God invited him to ask for anything he wanted? Above all else, Solomon’s request was for a wise and discerning heart in order to protect, judge, and lead God’s people in godly ways (1 Kgs 3:9ff). Why? He clearly knew how harmful error and sin are, as well as the need for godly discernment (e.g., judging between truth and error) in order to truly love, protect, and bless others (e.g., Prov 1ff; Phil 1:9-11).
When it comes to determining our greatest dangers, we can learn most, if not all of what we need to know about a leader, a church, a movement, a teacher, a pastor, an author, a counselor, a politician, or any self-proclaiming believer by these three things:
- How aware and concerned are they about the reality of sin, deception, and the deadly consequences that come with these?
- How biblically, lovingly, and accurately do they discern and handle these lethal threats—and appropriately warn others?
- What do they think of, and how do they treat the people who seek to biblically handle sin and deception?
These questions are not meant to condemn anyone, but to warn and help all of us discern what is truly loving and absolutely essential—and to encourage us to love others in these superlatively important ways.
Notice also that while it was deception that led to the sin—which then led to the death and destruction of all mankind—there was an additional deception regarding the consequences of sin. In particular, there was a minimizing and denial of the deadly consequences of sin: “Then the serpent said to the woman, ‘You will not surely die’” (Gen 3:4).
This was also combined with an attack on the Person who warned of the deadly outcome, with a redirection to the false promise of something wonderful—which is the lure that is often attached to the sin. “For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil” (Gen 3:5).
Sadly, this approval of sin and error—and attacks on those who warn about their death and destruction—is occurring more and more with self-proclaimed Christ followers. While it is possible that these individuals may be (In)justice Warriors, they are almost assuredly “Enablers of Sin and Error,” one of the most destructive forces on the planet today (we have much more on this in an upcoming book).
… who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
Romans 1:32
To Be Continued …
Questions For Further Thought
- If a person is well intended but is not concerned about or is in error regarding what is most harmful to all of us (e.g., sin and error), then how unloving and harmful will they be in actuality?
- Why do you suppose so many Christians, particularly Christian leaders, do not have our greatest danger(s) at the top of their list of concerns (perhaps not even in their top 10 … or top 50)?
- Why do so many minimize sin and deception, and even approve of these things (cp. Rom 1:32)?
- Why do many redirect the focus and blame onto those who try to warn of these superlative dangers?
- Why, instead of making a bold stand for the truth and fighting against error and sin, are so many trying to appease and conform to those who hate God’s Word, hate His Gospel of salvation from sin and hell, and hate His values and principles?
- How is all this connected to the colossal division in and decline of the Church, and of society?
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