Recently there was yet another report of a leader of a significant ministry being fired due to sin and mistreating and abusing others. This happens way too often, and it is always tragic. However, what makes this situation even worse is the fact that this heinous behavior was known and warned about. But it was minimized and ultimately ignored. Furthermore, as if things could not get any worse, those who did try to sound the alarm regarding these nefarious deeds were punished for doing so - Continue Reading
Why Christians Must Resist The Socialist Marxist Agenda
Mark was recently interviewed about his books Making Sense of the Madness and Jesus Was a Socialist? by our friend Doreen Virtue. Doreen was miraculously saved out of the New Age/New Thought ideologies, where she had been a bestselling author and speaker for many years. Because of her background and firsthand experience with deception, she is uniquely qualified to recognize and point out false teaching both without and within the church. Here is what Doreen had to say about the discussion she Continue Reading
Destructive Discerners
And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.Philippians 1:9-11 Our life and love depend on our discernment. (Prov 2:11ff; Phil 1:9-11; Deut 30:14-20; Gal 6:7-8) If we make a foolish decision, then we, and others, Continue Reading
Our Greatest Danger
What is the greatest threat we face today? In other words, what potentially produces the most trouble and torment—and even death—both now and in eternity? Whatever it is, shouldn’t it already be firmly at the top of everyone’s list of concerns? Should we not be fully aware of what it is, and highly motivated and fully equipped to deal with whatever is of utmost danger to all of us? Also, when it comes to those who want to love—especially those who claim to care the most—should they not Continue Reading