8 Types of Reconciliation We often think in “binary” terms when it comes to reconciliation—that a relationship is either reconciled - or not. While it isn’t wrong to think that way at times, it is also important to understand that any reconciliation attempt can have many potential destinations. Just as an unclear or confusing dating relationship might need a “DTR” (Define The Relationship) talk, there can also be great benefit from a thorough and accurate definition and understanding of the Continue Reading
13 Marks of Manipulators and Abusers
13 MARKS OF MANIPULATORS & ABUSERS When it comes to relationships, there is an extremely common misconception that forgiveness equals trust. Or, that once forgiveness is offered, the relationship in question is now reconciled. But in reality (and according to Scripture), these concepts are very different and distinct. In other words, forgiving someone does not mean that one is required to (or even should) “trust” the offender or consider the relationship reconciled on the basis Continue Reading
Real Reconciliation
Cutting Through The Confusion When it comes to reconciliation, we have a tendency to confuse vertical reconciliation with horizontal reconciliation. As a result, the process of how to truly reconcile with others can be misconstrued. Worse yet, the gospel itself can be distorted. Such confusion and error leads to all kinds of grief and destruction, now and even in eternity. Which is why it's so important that we clarify the differences (and similarities) between the two types of reconciliation Continue Reading
Personal Story + Forgiveness
God’s Perfect Timing Years ago, we wrote a book on the topic of forgiveness to use in ministry. After getting it professionally printed and bound, we mailed it to just about everyone in our address book. When our supply ran out, we never made more copies due to costs and because we wanted to re-write it before printing a second edition. Well, every now and then, we hear how God has used this book and His incredible message of forgiveness in someone’s life. Here is one such story we Continue Reading