For My people have committed two evils: They have forsaken Me, the fountain of living waters, And hewn themselves cisterns—broken cisterns that can hold no water. - Jeremiah 2:13 Over the past 25 years of serving in a biblical counseling and equipping ministry, I've run into a multitude of harmful and false teachings in the Church, as well as in the realm of counseling. However, I have not come across a more destructive teaching among Christians—particularly when it comes to married couples, Continue Reading
True Love or Manipulation? A Critique of the Best-Selling Book Love & Respect
True love. What is it? How do we define it? Is there a difference between what the world says love is and what Scripture says? First Corinthians 13, arguably the most well-known definition of love in the Bible, gives us a straightforward list of what love--real love--looks like. And right in the middle of this list, we are told that one of the earmarks of true love is that it is "not self-seeking." Would it surprise you then to learn that one of the most popular and best-selling books Continue Reading
Love & Respect: Biblical?
Love and Respect. Wildly popular and a continuing bestseller. So, is it a biblical and helpful book, or just another “spirit of the age” fad deceiving and hurting many? How do we establish which one it is? Well, let’s exercise our biblical discernment to find out. What we do know is that many people, pastors, and ministry leaders are recommending and praising it. Some are touting it as the best book they’ve read on marriage. Love and Respect has won numerous awards, including “Book Continue Reading