In my journey of faith, I have experienced many seasons of doubt, anger, and confusion, especially during times of hardship. My spouse’s undiagnosed chronic illness and the constant uncertainty of when healing and relief would come created a cycle of despair, leaving me feeling alone, helpless, and distant from God. The weight of these burdens made me question God’s goodness, and I felt isolated and overwhelmed. When I connected with Hope for Life, I found a path toward healing and peace. Continue Reading
Joy In The Midst Of Suffering (Testimony)
[ Counseling Testimony ] This year found many of us wondering what the Lord was doing in the world. Each of us were forced to reflect, examine, and question in ways we hadn’t imagined. On a personal level, the pandemic was the least of my worries as I watched the landscape of my life crumble. My struggling marriage deteriorated. I’d become an empty nester having poured myself into raising six children and my job came to a complete stop as many experienced. Little did I know that the Continue Reading
Broken Wolves
If someone has suffered a great deal, or is "broken," "authentic," or "raw"--BUT is also in error regarding their beliefs, teachings, and the solution to their suffering--he or she often receives "immunity" or a pass when it comes to being challenged or confronted on their false beliefs or teachings. It is nearly impossible, especially in today's environment, to challenge the error. Why is this? Mainly because anything you say will almost always be attacked or minimized. Most Continue Reading