The Marxist maxim is “agitate, agitate, agitate,” and that is precisely what today’s reds are doing with race.
—Paul Kengor, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism
Few had heard of Critical Race Theory (CRT) a year ago. Today, however, it is almost everywhere. Now it’s not only in the government, but also in our workplaces, schools (including Christian schools and colleges), and even churches. Worse still, both the teaching and adhering to CRT is being increasingly required in all these places.
So what, exactly, is Critical Race Theory (CRT)? Where does it come from and who is behind it? Is it helpful or harmful? In what ways does it impact us and those we love?
Here we will do our best to offer a compact and concise understanding of this “critical” notion.
The Definition
Critical Race Theory, an offshoot of Critical Theory, is the construct of Marxist and leftist individuals who, in part, summarily condemn all whites to be racist, and to have unjustly advanced in society due to the dominance of white supremacy. Furthermore, Critical Race Theory intentionally creates great agitation, upheaval, and division in society by dividing everyone into one of two categories: the “Oppressed” (e.g., blacks; females; gays) or the “Oppressors” (e.g., whites; males; Christians; conservatives; heterosexuals). CRT then pits one class against the other in the classic “class struggle” of Marxism. And, through this societal chaos, strife, enmity, and bitterness, it seeks to overthrow and destroy the evil and unjust Oppressors (e.g., white, heterosexual, male Christians who are conservative). Furthermore, CRT also demands and requires that the Oppressors give back what they “stole” from the Oppressed (e.g., reparations; redistribution).
[Note: All of this is also, at least in part, the idea behind “social justice” and Liberation Theology]
The Source
Critical Theory, and the subsequent Critical Race Theory, come from the Frankfurt School. These individuals were not only dedicated to Marxism, they sought to spread this totalitarian ideology everywhere. Today we see this precise thing happening all over, especially in America, and in all our institutions (government; schools; churches). When it comes to the source, there is zero support in Scripture, and, more importantly, CT/CRT is anti-Scriptural and anti-Christian at every turn (cp. 1 Jn 4:1-6; Col 2:8; Ps 1:1-3).
[Note: History has shown Marxism to be the deadliest ideology known to humanity (see our book on the subject). For this reason, and because of its source, and for many other reasons, Marxism truly qualifies as a “doctrine of devils” (1 Tim 4:1; Jas 3:15-17; Matt 7:15).]
The Goal
The chief aim of CT/CRT is to gradually condition, deceive, and undermine society—through agitation, propaganda, censoring, coercion, shame-bombing, ridiculing and falsely accusing the enemies of leftism, fomenting anger and hatred, and turning the individuals in a given society against each other (cp. Prov 6:16-19)—and all of this is done with the end goal being the destabilization and subversion of entire countries into Marxist ideals (e.g., totalitarianism). This, too, is precisely what we see Antifa, BLM, and many in the Democratic party doing. Yet countless Christians, Democrats, and non-Democrats are, in one way or another, supporting, spreading, and aligning with CRT and its agenda.
The Means
Because overt overthrows of countries failed to sway the masses into believing in Marxism, some Marxists devised CT/CRT as a gradual way to condition, divide, and destroy societies so that Marxism could take over in a “passive revolution.” They sought to destroy countries from within, particularly by teaching and spreading CT/CRT in schools, the media, in religion, and in the government. They have succeeded. This is exactly what we are seeing right now in America, and beyond. Up until recently, CRT was mandated training in U.S. federal institutions. The new administration will revert back to forcing Americans to be subjected to, and eventually adhere to this ideology.
The Substance
Marxism is the religion of the left. It is an anti-God, anti-Judeo-Christian religion. And CT/CRT is the chief subversive mechanism used to spread this dogma and increase their power by subverting the faith and values of others (e.g., conservative Christianity and Judaism). Sadly, this is exactly what is happening, even in churches.
The Language
CRT relies heavily on “Linguistic Engineering”—the rephrasing of their ideology and tactics into softer, less obvious, and more appealing terms—in order to deceive the masses and subvert society (i.e., “societal engineering”). For example, they change: CRT into “race sensitivity training”; socialism/Marxism into “social justice” and “redistributive justice”; defunding, demonizing, and abolishing the police into “re-imagining policing”; forced conformity of thought (i.e., groupthink) into being “woke,” “inclusive,” “tolerant”; lawlessness, rioting, arson, murder, chaos, looting into “mostly peaceful protests.” The biggest engineering project is when they seek to oppress and convert Christians and Catholics into leftist politics (e.g., socialism) by changing Christianity and Catholicism into “Liberation Theology.” Linguistic Engineering is heard and employed every day in the media, academia, movies, TV shows, sporting events, and everywhere else – including the Church.
The Net Effect
All of this results in a deeply polarized society and an inverted reality where love is hate, and hate is love; good is evil, and evil is good; freedom is oppression, and oppression is freedom; and “good” people are villains, while “bad” people are heroes. This is precisely what we see today in America, in the world, and in more and more churches.
Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple. [Romans 16:17-18]
- CRT pits everyone against each other within the categories of Oppressor and Oppressed
- CRT relies fully on the hyper-destructive mindset of: the end justifies the means
- CRT is 100% opposed to and seeks to suppress Christianity, God’s Word, His gospel, and His true followers—and it seeks to subvert Judeo-Christian values and everything to do with Jesus and replace it with what is literally anti-Christ (e.g., Marxism; cp. Phil 3:18-19; 1 Jn 4:1-6)
- CRT relies heavily on all six deadly sins to achieve its goals (Prov 6:16-19), and it cannot advance without these wicked tactics
- CRT is an exceedingly racist ideology and teaches extreme racism, all while stating it is the solution to racism (i.e., an inverted reality)
- CRT summarily judges, demonizes, and falsely condemns every white person—based solely on their skin color—as a racist, a white supremacist, and an Oppressor of others, while it makes everyone else a victim of white people (and, directly and indirectly, Christianity). [One college even has a course titled ‘Abolition of Whiteness’]
- CRT shames and condemns everyone as a racist or “Uncle Tom” who does not fully conform to CRT and its false accusations of white people (and others)
- CRT has no objective standard by which to freely judge and falsely condemn others—or judge reality—nor do its proponents want a known, unchanging standard.
- CRT advances solely on the effectiveness of countless false accusations, and destroying (often through false accusations) all who do not fully adhere to CRT
- CRT shuns reason, logic, objectivity, and thinking for one’s own self; instead CRT simply demands you agree with its leftist constructs, or else; if not, then you will be shamed and punished (e.g., censored; falsely accused of being a racist)
- CRT not only evades objectivity and is wholly subjective-saturated, it gains adherents through emotionalism, “lived-experiences,” etc.
- CRT is so effective and deceptive that it inverts the reality of many people (Is 5:20)
- CRT is fully opposed to America and its values, ideas, and constitution—and it teaches people to hate America and to believe that the least racist country is the most racist country (proof of this inverted reality)
- CRT seeks to eliminate freedom and replace it with totalitarianism (e.g., socialism/communism)—which often starts with “socialism with a small s” and “soft totalitarianism”—and does so while promising freedom, along with a utopia of equality and justice (further proof of an inverted reality)
- CRT intentionally causes great harm and division in families, schools, workplaces, societies, countries, individual churches, the Church, and in relationships everywhere, and does so “all for the greater good” (more inverted reality)
- CRT teaches that America is a horrible, white supremacist country, one that is full of racism and injustice, largely because of “systemic racism”
- CRT is relied upon by leftists, and is used by the far left to divide and conquer countries which would otherwise know that Marxism/leftism is evil and supremely deadly
- CRT is largely responsible for many Christians exchanging the gospel for the social gospel
- CRT is largely responsible for persuading many Christians to abandon their theology and Christianity for Liberation Theology (leftist politics in a counterfeit form of Christianity)
- CRT is often the catalyst for why many Christians today have a self-defeating world-approved Christianity (cp. 1 Jn 4:5-6; Jas 4:4; Rom 12:2)
- CRT (and other leftist tactics) are why there are so many who claim Christ, but are aggressively adversarial toward Christians who hold to a high view of Scripture, the gospel, truth, freedom, America, etc.
- CRT encourages, if not demands, the demonization and destruction of anyone who does not fully agree with and follow the deadly and deceitful teachings of CRT (also known as a Totalitarian Echo Chamber)
- CRT is not optional, but is totalitarian. Within this worldview, there are zero allowances for disagreement, correction is not allowed, and everyone must fully agree with CRT or they will be destroyed, all in the name of unity, love, acceptance, justice, and “the greater good”
Nothing is more diabolical than CRT (Jas 3:15; 1 Tim 4:1; 6:20-21; 1 Jn 4:1-6). Yet this ideology is not only increasingly taught in schools (elementary through college) and in workplaces, it is being deemed mandatory. If a person does not submit, they are shamed, attacked, falsely accused, punished, and are in danger of losing their job and livelihood—or worse.
Perhaps nothing is more to blame for the polarization in the Church and in the world today than Critical Race Theory and leftism. Yet it is still up to us to decide if we will embrace and follow this leftist ideology, or if we will reject it and follow common sense and what the Bible has taught all along, as we openly warn others.
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them. [Ephesians 5:11]
What we choose to believe about CRT and the like (Liberation Theology; political correctness; intersectionality) will effectively determine which polarized camp we join. Will we be on the polar left, or polar right? Will we hate, or be hated? Will we falsely accuse, or be falsely condemned?
- Which of the above do you see going on today?
- Why do you think so many otherwise fine people are falling for this and becoming like pre-Paul Saul (i.e., “[In]justice Warriors”; Gal 1:13; Acts 9:1-5) and viciously attacking followers of Christ?
- What are you, and perhaps your church, doing to expose and warn others about this evil and deadly tactic which is destroying so many individuals, and even much of our society?
- In what specific ways has your church been influenced by CRT?
We have much more on this topic in our books: Jesus Was A Socialist? and Making Sense of The Madness – along with other Hope For Life Resources
- Monique Duson: Rescued From Critical Race Theory
- Founders Ministries: Cultural Marxism
- Darrell Harrison & Virgil Walker: A Biblical Exposition of White Culture
- Dr. Carol Swain: Journey Out Of Critical Race Theory
- Cornell University Law Library: What’s Wrong With Critical Race Theory
- Dr. Neil Shenvi: Critical Race Theory?
- Allie Beth Stuckey: America Vs. Critical Race Theory
- Dr. Neil Shenvi: Social Justice, Critical Theory, and Christianity
- Alisa Childers: Race, Injustice & The Gospel of Critical Race Theory
- Phil Robertson: The Religion of BLM & Social Justice Jesus
- Answers In Genesis: Critical Race Theory In The Church
- Center For Biblical Unity: What Is The End Game For Critical Race Theory?
I also thank you. This post will be a great resource for my college-aged kids as they talk to their friends who have been duped by CRT.
Thank you for putting this together in concise terms. There is so much to learn about this sabotage of civilization. Critical thinking is the enemy of Critical Theory.