It is the truth which is assailed in any age which tests our fidelity. It is to confess we are called, not merely to profess. If I profess, with the loudest voice and the clearest exposition, every portion of the truth of God except precisely that little point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Christianity. Where the battle rages the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battle-field besides is mere flight and disgrace to him if he flinches at that one point.
– Elizabeth Rundle Charles
What is the single greatest threat in the world today?
This is an exceedingly important and possibly life-saving question. Of course, the greatest danger to mankind, now and in eternity, has always been sin and deception. These twin threats are heavily connected to the Deceiver, the world, and our own sinful nature.
[ For more, see: Our Greatest Danger ]
However, the most pressing and specific threat to Christianity right now, and indeed to all of humanity, is LEFTISM (or “Woke-ism”). This is precisely the “point which the world and the devil are at [this] moment attacking,” and “test(ing) our fidelity” to God, truth, love, and others. This is also where most individuals are being deceived and destroyed, and it is why our society is being increasingly darkened, divided, and even decimated.
Tommy Nelson, a highly respected pastor, fully agrees regarding the source of this danger, as he actively warns the Church, church leaders, and society in general. At a recent conference entitled “Wokeness & The Gospel,” Denton made this strong statement:
I have been in the ministry almost 50 years, and [wokeness] is the most insidious and dangerous and pervasive ideology that I have ever seen in all of my life, in all of my ministry. And it is dangerous to the Christian church as well as to our culture.
– Tommy Nelson
If we want to love and help others, should we not be accurately and painfully aware of, and actively confronting whatever this greatest danger is? And should we not also be arduously protecting and saving others from it? Nothing is more loving to God and our neighbor than to rescue people from the snare of deception and death (Jas 5:19-20).
Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Surely we did not know this,” does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?
– Proverbs 24:11-12
When it comes to delivering “those who are drawn toward death,” an absolutely necessary aspect of this supreme act of love is to know and combat the specific ways that the threat—in this case, leftism/woke-ism—is deceiving and crushing those inside and outside of the body of Christ. Of course, this love necessarily includes addressing and exposing the people who are complicit in and enabling this deceit and destruction (Eph 5:6-11; 1 Cor 14:8).
Taking a look at the bigger picture, if there is something that diverse groups should be united on, it is the unparalleled threat that leftism/woke-ism poses. Put simply, leftism is in an all out war against humanity. Which is why every single objective, freedom-loving individual—whether atheist, Christian, liberal, or conservative—should be wholeheartedly fighting against this one thing: the evil tyranny of leftism, while simultaneously defending freedom.
What is more, this dire reality is even more pertinent for people of faith, particularly Christians and Jews. Why? Because, historically and logically, these groups have always been, and always will be, the primary targets of leftists.
Unfortunately, the tentacles of leftism have spread everywhere, including within the Church. Which means, in order to accurately identify and stand against this threat, we must carefully and thoroughly answer the following four questions:
- WHAT is leftism?
- HOW did leftist ideology gain such a stronghold, particularly in the Church?
- WHO is the most responsible for infecting the body of Christ with “woke-ism”?
- WHAT can and should be done about it?
We will address each of these, including the “what,” “how,” and “who,” along with what we can and should do in response.
And while there are many qualified candidates when it comes to the “who,” near or at the top of the list of influencers is the well-known pastor and author Tim Keller. Yes, that is quite a charge, which will be surprising and offensive to some. Yet, with so much at stake, with so many people being profoundly deceived and “drawn toward death” through leftism, and with the Church and society being increasingly decimated and bitterly divided, it is more necessary than ever to hit this danger head on.
Therefore, because we find ourselves in such a dire situation, making such a serious assertion, and because of our calling and need to love others, we will share an abundance of information which will give more than ample evidence, while also equipping the body of Christ to better overcome the wickedness of leftism. (Download the PDF eBook below to finish reading)
Hope For Life Biblical Counseling & Equipping is a non-profit ministry committed to providing no-cost biblical counseling to those in need, along with biblical equipping materials for the body of Christ, our local community, and worldwide through our online resources at Hope For Life and the HFL Shop [ STAY UPDATED ]
Hello Mark and Emily.
I attempted to read your EBook. And, then having no real knowledge of Mark Keller; I visited his website.
I read through much of your Publication. Then got hungry and decided to sauté some veggies for lunch.
While I was cleaning and slicing the vegetables; my initial thoughts were that you were picking on this Keller fellow.
Then, I realized that is not really the case. It may be more that you have serious concerns about “Leftism and Keller and Wokeism” And, that you are genuinely concerned with how ideology affects people.
It is a valid concern. Our ideology colors our perceptions. And, our perceptions formulate our understanding.
Some of what you say is valid. And some of what Keller espouses may have validity.
The questions that I have are these, “Is there some common ground? Some common beliefs that you can share with Keller?”
I only ask because if we are to all be a part of the same Person,(The Bride of Christ), are we not all required to some how get along with each other? To be a part of the whole? To show the world a united front with the same purpose?
I think that is to show the world that Redemption from the Curse of the Law of Sin and Death is possible. And there is one Redeemer, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!